Friday, November 14, 2008

2 Peter One Eight Men

This week at Amen, we did something a little different and joined another group of guys to hear Dr. James Ware discuss 2 Peter 1:8. While many of us came into the room at 6:30am on a Friday, tired and ready for the weeked, we left that room an hour later re-charged, ready to live out God's will for our lives. He certainly woke me up and woke all of us up to the reality of the world we live in as Christians.

"Our country has been built on feeling," Dr. Ware passionately said. "And it is up to us as Christians to make sure that feelings are thrown out and that faith in Jesus Christ is firmly put in its place." He focused on the three P's of 2 Peter: Product, Provision and Process. His point being that in order for the gift of heaven to become a reality for us, we have to live according to God's provisions - this means living through the word of God in a way that is fearless and overcomes the desires of this world and the desires of sin.

He also challenged us to think about the promise that God offers us? "If you didn't have you bible and you were asked what His promises are, what would you say?"

This requires practice and dedication - "why does Tiger Woods hit 1,000 golf balls per day, so he can be ready for that one." We are to practice our faith in a real way and fearlessly declare the gospel no matter what persecution comes our way.

He also called us to search for Agape love, or love from God, so that we then can spread His Word to even those we don't even like or don't "feel" like talking to.

In Christ,


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Widows Get together

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know what a blessing it was to join our Widows and Single ladies at the luncheon last Sunday evening. Stephen Gray did a great job representing our Amen group and letting the widows know that they are being prayed over and thought about often. Just a heads up, he offered us all up to help if any of them needed assistance over this winter, so just be prepared (sounds a little like the Boy Scouts). But in all seriousness, this is a ministry that we all need to be prepared to step into, as the bible directs us to be prepared to help the widows in our midst.
God Bless, your brother in Christ, Dick

Why God why?

This past JIM night was very impactful for me and my fiance personally as we are seeking how God might use us in mission work. A missionary from Guatamala came in a gave a very moving testimonial about how Christ has transformed her life. For 28 years now, she has served over in Guatamala, dutifuly spreading God's word and helping her husband translate the Bible. But the most powerful part of her story was this simple phrase: "Just lie there in bed and be sick for me right now." This was the part where I teared up, how she struggled with anxiety and was wondering how God would let her be sick while serving his kingdom. She paused as she was telling this story and said, sometimes serving god means lying in bed and being sick, "he just wanted me to be sick today," she said.

How often do I not look past my current so-called "sufferings" and ask God why he is doing something? Why does this happen to me? Why does a bus full of mentally challenged kids die in head on collision on a skinny Indiana road? Why does a huge psunami destroy China? Why would our God let such a thing happen?

Instead of thinking that God physically comes down and makes these tragedies happen, maybe we should be asking ourselves, what should we do about it, its in our response that matters and not in pointing the finger at a God and a Plan that is far beyond our comprehension. God is so much bigger than any one event and when we can stop, and look above the situation, we can see past our lens and even if we don't know what He is exactly doing with a particular situation, we should 100% stand firm, knowing that His way is better than our way.

JIM Night attendees are currently working through 2 Corinthinas 4 as our calling card for mission work and I was especially struck by this verse: "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gopsel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

He gives us free will, its our choice to serve him in times of hardship or to reject him. I pray that I can always see above the fray, and see past the enemy's ploy to distract us from the truth.

Your brother in Christ,
Todd McCall

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chainsaws, Wood Splitting and a Fatty Breakfast

This past Saturday at the Men's Breakfast, the Amen group guys laid out a nice array of fattening breakfast foods. My personal favorite was a corndog looking item that was actually a pancake wrapped around some sausage and then was placed on a stick. Now that is eating!

Our pastor started out by starting up a chanisaw and telling us a story of how manly he feels when he is out chopping wood. His point was that as men we should cut sharply and not be wishy washy about our faith...certainly there is nothing wishy washy about a chainsaw.

Here were my takeaways from his Intentional Manhood from the Inside Out:

1. Man's role speaks to creation and not to the culture we live in

2. We are to set a clear example of Christ likeness and this is a big responsibility

3. God designed church and marriage to be an example of how we are to function as men

These three items really hit home with me and I hope to apply them to my walk with Christ.

In Christ,
