Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Boasting About Tommorow

I am sitting at Starbucks right now pondering James and his comments on how our lives are a "mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." (4:14) I have been here for a few hours now and just checked the status of my medical school applications online, still waiting. It got me to think about what I am doing, what is really meant by my application process and what not. (Ps. I am not sure if this is the text for this week, so if it isn't then just keep this in mind when we do get to it) When asked how much longer I have till I am a doctor, I respond with a smirk that I have 8 years left. But do I? How do I know I will be a doctor 8 years from now? How do I know I will graduate this program next year? How do I know that I will be alive tomorrow?

"You do not know what tomorrow will boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil." (4:14,16) Evil? Really? Yup. To not fully believe that He has a say in what happens to us is a sin, it is putting ourselves ahead of Him. We can say "Oh I know He does," but do we? Do we really make plans, even something as mundane as going to the bathroom,  knowing full well that the Lord can take us before we do it? Yes, be good stewards of what He has given us, but always remember that today could be your last. Remember that serving  your wife, lending an ear to a broken friend, sharing the Gospel with a co-worker is far more important at this moment than planning anything in the future because this is where you are at this second. If you were brought before Christ today will you tell Him that you were planning on serving Him tomorrow? Do life for Him now because rain-checks don't count.

Have a great CHRIST-FILLED day!
In Christ

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Great reminder Christian. Thanks!